Flexpa User Walkthroughs

Seeing is believing, so we asked a few Medicare and MA members to hop on a call with us while they connected their plans to Flexpa for the first time. Check out the recordings below.



of all user authorization attempts through Flexpa succeed.



of all Medicare and Medicare Advantage users authorization attempts are successful.



of all users complete the Flexpa flow within 3 minutes. 85.29% complete it within 5 minutes.
Read our full analysis ➜


• Humana MA

Watch William, a Medicare Advantage member breeze through connecting his Humana account for the first time.


• L.A. Care MA

Watch Donald, a Medicare Advantage member navigate a password reset flow, grab a temporary password, create a new one, and log in successfully.


• medicare.gov

Watch Carol, a Medicare and MA dual member carefully read through each consent, successfully connect, and compare the experience to her recent manual process.


• Cigna MA

Watch John, a Medicare Advantage member easily walk through the Cigna connection process, including retrieving a second factor authentication code.